Our aim is to develop mathematical understanding through using the teaching process known as the Concrete- Pictorial – Abstract (CPA) Approach. Within each number strand in mathematics, children have the opportunity to embed key concepts and develop mathematical fluency before expecting them to transfer this to an abstract concept. This process starts right at the beginning of their learning journey in EYFS and continues into Year 6. We believe a consistently approach enables our children to become confident mathematicians, allowing them to make connections and develop fluency within the four main number strands for mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Concrete – using physical objects to solve mathematical problems
Children use resources to support their understanding of a process, concept or operation. Every concept, within the number strand, is introduced through the use of physical, interactive concrete materials. We believe this helps children to develop their understanding before being asked to solve more complex calculations.
Pictorial – using drawings to solve mathematical problems
This step allows children to use images (both pre-drawn and their own drawings) to help them solve calculations. It allows children to make a connection between the physical objects they have been handling in the concrete stage to pictures, diagrams or models that represent the objects from the problem. This step helps the children to visualise what is going on within a mathematical problem.
Abstract – solving problems using only numbers
Children use symbols (+ - x ÷) to model problems. Children will not move to this stage of their learning until they have a secure understanding of the concrete and pictorial stages within their learning. Within the Abstract stage, children also develop their reasoning and problem solving skills to apply what they have learnt. In Upper Key Stage 2, children become familiar with using formal written methods.
Times Tables
From Year 2 upwards, Times Tables are taught weekly. Children take part in short, frequent sessions designed to encourage fluency through repetition. Children learn the same tables together and have the opportunity to take part in individual, group and whole-class learning experiences. Once a table has been taught, children are encouraged to revisit this learning, both in school and at home, to develop automaticity with their times tables. Times Table Rock Stars is an online resource that children are encouraged to use to support them with this.

Maths Mastery
We have introduced Maths Mastery this academic year. This program works alongside our usual maths teaching.
Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.
To see our maths curriculum overview please click here
Our calculation policies can be found below, these may prove useful when supporting your child at home.