Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Cherry and Magnolia's class page! Our topic this half term is 'Whatever The Weather!'. The children will be learning all about weather patterns and what a weather forecast is. They will also learning about seasonal changes in British weather. As well as this, we will be rehearsing and performing our Christmas Nativity! We hope you enjoy finding out about what we have been up to!
Autumn 2 - Whatever The Weather
Friday 15th November
This week Y1 began their geography learning about hot and cold countries. They discovered that the closer a country is to the Equator, the warmer it will be.
In Design and Technology the children began a food-based topic. The design brief is to design and make a healthy snack for Y1 to enjoy. Today they tasted some fruit to help them decide what ingredients they would like to use in their healthy snacks.
Finally in Maths this week, the focus switched to subtraction, with the children using resources and pictorial representations to help the find the correct answer.
Friday 8th November
Wow, what a busy week we have had! The children returned from their half term break full of enthusiasm.
In English this week, the children finished off their non-fiction unit. The children innovated using their own ideas and they adapted the model text about Tree Giants to write about Ice Giants. Lots of great adjectives were used to describe what an Ice Giant looks like and what they eat.
In Science, we began learning about the seasons. The children learnt the names of the four seasons and thought about what the weather and nature is like in each.
The children have all enjoyed completing the tuff tray challenges this week. They got creative making their own Ice Giant, practised matching lower and upper case letters and began to think about cold and hot countries.
Autumn 1 - Inventions
Friday 6th September
Wow! What a busy first week we have had in Year 1! As part of our 'Continents Week', the children have been learning about Europe. Throughout the week, they have had the opportunity to explore the outdoor area during COOL time as well as complete learning linked to France. These actvities included: making a collage of the French flag, designing their own ice creams, making the Eiffel Tower using different resources and tasting different foods. We have been so impressed with the children's creativity and enthusiasm for learning and look forward to seeing what next week brings!
Friday 13th September
This week, the children have started to learn about our new topic, 'Inventions'. In History, they have started to learn about the invention of the telephone and how different it is to the phones they have, and might use, at home. The children have also started learning about different materials in Science and we have loved hearing about their existing knowledge and understanding. The children have continued to loved exploring the outdoor area during COOL time and it has been lovely to see them being creative through dressing up and den building!
Friday 20th September
The children have really embraced the COOL time challenges this week and we have loved seeing them be creative. In Science, the children have started to learn about different materials and the difference between an object and the material it is made from. In art, the children have been developing their sculpting skills using Play-Doh!
Friday 27th September
Wow! What an amazing week we have had! This week, the children started our first Talk 4 Writing unit focused around the text 'Billy's Beetle'. For their hook, the children had to help Miss Woodrow find her lost gems! I am very pleased to say they rose to the challenge and all lost gems were found - phew! In maths this week, the children have been practising finding one more and one less of a number. Once again, the children have embraced all of the enhanced provision and it has been lovely to see them complete various challenges in COOL time.
Friday 4th October
This week, the children have deepened their understanding of materials by learning about the different properties they may have. In Computing, the children took turns at being 'robots' and had to give, and follow, a range of instructions (known as algorithms). Despite the weather, the children have enjoyed the enhanved provision outside and lots of children chose to complete this weeks writing challenge. Well done Year 1!
Friday 11th October
This week, the children have completed their first piece of extended writing whilst in Year 1! We have been very impressed with their positive attitudes and resilience when writing. The children also finished their unit of learning focusing on sculpture. They could choose an animal to make out of Play-Doh and needed to follow pictorial instructions to create it. Lots of children chose to challenge themselves and make two animals - well done Year 1!
Friday 18th October
On Tuesday, the children were made aware of an exciting sighting within our school grounds! Tree Giants had been spotted and left behind conkers and glitter to show where they had explored! This event launched our new Talk 4 Writing unit focusing on information texts. The children have also completed their first final assessment in Year 1 in mathematics - we are so proud of the amazing progress they have made!
Friday 25th October
This week, the children have continued to learn about information texts and have spent lots of time making their own Tree Giants during COOL time! Lots of children chose to complete the phonics tuff tray this week and we could see how much they have learnt this half term. We have also loved watching their dance routines in indoor PE! It has been wonderful to see their creativity shine.
What a busy half term we have had! It has been wonderful to see how well the children have settled into Year 1 and all the progress they have made in 8 weeks. We hope they all have a restful half term break and we look forward to welcoming them back in November!