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Friday 7th March 2025

This week, year 4 have been learning about the water cycle in geography, drawing a diagram and completing a practical activity to watch the water cycle in action in a sealed bag on the window showing the process of precipitation, condensation, collection and evaporation. In maths, they have been learning to convert between km and m as well as work out the perimeter of a shape. In English, the children have shown great concentration to independently write their own suspense story using the grammar tools that they have been learning about over the last few weeks. Yesterday was a particularly exciting day - world book day, the book swap and ukelele lessons in the afternoon. All year 4 classes also had their first forest school sessions this week, which introduced them to the rules of forest school and allowed them some time to begin to explore how they could use the resources and enjoy the outside space.

Friday 28th February 2025

It has a been a busy first week back after the February half-term. In English, the children have been writing their own version of a suspense story about either a spooky graveyard or tropical jungle with an abandonned temple. They have shown great concentration when writing, using the tools of 'show not tell' how the reader is feeling, dramatic adverbials, rhetorical questions and the power of three. In maths they have been learning to find fractions of quantities using concrete objects, then the pictorial method (drawing pictures) and finally using the abstract method (working out multiplication calculations in their head.) In other subjects they have been learning to experiment with watercolours, taking inspiration from the artist Andre Derain. In geography, they have used atlases and I-pads to learn about the rivers of the world, identifying them on a map and learning about the countries that they pass through.

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