Friday 7th March
It's been another eventful week in Year 5! Ash Class successfully completed their Bikeability course, and fortunately, the weather was on their side this time. In PE, the children had their first hockey lesson, focusing on dribbling and ball control.
We're nearing the end of our unit on percentages, fractions, and decimals, with just the final assessment left to complete. The children have made excellent progress, confidently applying their knowledge to various problem-solving and reasoning tasks.
In English, they have finished writing their suspense tales. It has been a joy to hear them share their stories with the class and give feedback on their favorite parts.
In PSHE, we continued our topic on 'jobs,' exploring the skills, attributes, qualifications, and training needed for different careers. The children engaged in thoughtful and insightful discussions throughout.
Lastly, we had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day! It was wonderful to see the children dressed up, excitedly discussing their costumes, and sharing their love for books and reading.
Year 5 would also like to extend a huge thank you to the PTA for organising the school disco. The children's feedback said it all—“It was the best night EVER!”

Friday 28th February 2025
Welcome back, everyone! It’s wonderful to have the children back in school, ready to embrace new learning in Spring 2.
It’s been a busy week! Some of Birch and Ash have successfully completed their Bikeability course. In PE, the children had fun participating in a yoga session and enjoyed playing tennis with EPC.
In English, they have finished innovating their suspense tales—I’m so impressed with their creativity and use of vocabulary! Next week, they will be generating ideas and working on their independent writing pieces.
In Maths, we have continued exploring decimals and percentages. The children have been comparing and ordering decimals with up to three decimal places and rounding decimals to one decimal place.
In Art, they have been developing various drawing techniques, including shading, and had a great time experimenting with different textures.
It’s been a fantastic start to the half-term, and we look forward to another exciting week ahead!