At Stanway Fiveways, our vision for the computing curriculum is to equip children with the knowledge and skills necessary to fully participate in a rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology.
The new Computing Curriculum is divided into three broad areas; Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology. We follow a scheme from the National Centre for Computing Education (NCEE) which breaks these down further into five core strands. These core strands are computing systems and network, creating media, data and information, programming and online safety.
Online Safety is a key safeguarding issue and making sure that our children are Digitally Literate and understand how to use technology responsibly and safely is of paramount importance to us. In the Spring Term we organise assemblies to coincide with International Internet Safety Day.
We believe children will learn to use technology more effectively if they are doing something creative. They will use a variety of hardware, software packages, apps and technologies to enhance and facilitate their learning across the whole school curriculum. This approach to our Information Technology provision means that our children learn to use technology purposefully. We see technology as pivotal in our school and give the children opportunities to use computers and technology and are not confined to any one lesson in computing, rather they are inter-woven throughout the whole curriculum to support learning across all subjects.
Please see our Computing Curriculum Overview below: