Year 2 - Spring Term 2
WB 3.3.25
It has been another great week in Year 2, with some exciting learning and experiences. In PSHE this half term, we are exploring different types of industries and the jobs which can appear under the different categories. We were lucky enough to have a variety of parents come in and discuss with the children what their job entails and their experiences within their occupation. The children were excited to hear about different roles, such as hairdressing, vets, military roles and even life as a cowgirl! The children loved experiencing the skill of lassoing!
In Maths, we have begun our 'measures' unit, beginning with mass. The children have explored different weights and comparing these with similar objects, then testing their estimates on the scales to see if they balance. Also in Art, we are continuing our Henri Rousseau unit and have been looking at how to make different tints with white paint and tones with black to create different shades within a painting - the children created some fantastic colour pallettes. Year 2 are also lucky enough to have coaches in this half term for their outdoor PE; the children were developing their dribbling and tackling skills today in the sunshine, where fun was had by all.
Finally, 'World Book Day' was a great success and Year 2 all looked FAB-U-LOUS in their costumes!
WB 24.2.25
Our first week back has been jam-packed and it has been lovely to see how enthusiastic the children have been. We have been innovating our 'Pirate Pam' text in English, where the children have produced some fantastic work, with amazing ideas. We have been lucky enough to have SCS coaches for indoor PE, where we have been developing our balancing skills and exploring ways in which we can stretch our bodies. During Maths, we have been exploring doubling and halving, the children's understanding has been excellent and they have been applying strategies confidently. Overall a great start to Spring 2!