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Welcome to Year 4!

Week beginning 20th January 2025

This week, the children enthusiastically restarted the ‘Walk to School Challenge’ and have been tracking their progress each morning as they aim to earn their badges. In Science, they explored simple circuits, learning about bulbs, wires, cells/batteries, and switches. They enjoyed hands-on practice assembling circuits to deepen their understanding of ‘Electricity’. In English, the children showcased their creativity and reasoning skills by planning and writing independent balanced arguments. For Art, they channelled their inner designers to create stunning Roman mosaics using card and foam tiles. In PE, the focus was on refining their Tag Rugby and Squash skills, with particular attention to improving their passing accuracy.

Week beginning 13th January 2025

This week in Year 4, we have been busy exploring new topics across our subjects. In Maths, we focussed on multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, honing our skills in concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. In English, we began our unit on balanced arguments, focusing on tools such as language that claims authority, additional conjunctions, and exaggeration. In PSHE, we discussed different types of risks—physical, emotional, and online—and brainstormed ways to mitigate challenging situations. In Science, we started learning about electrical appliances, identifying whether they are powered by batteries or mains electricity. Additionally, we’ve begun Tag Rugby with EPC and Off the Wall Squash, with some children being considered for the Roman Cup next half-term!

Week beginning 6th January 2025

This week in Year 4, we have been busy exploring new topics across our subjects. In Maths, we focussed on multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, honing our skills in concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. In English, we began our unit on balanced arguments, focusing on tools such as language that claims authority, additional conjunctions, and exaggeration. In PSHE, we discussed different types of risks—physical, emotional, and online—and brainstormed ways to mitigate challenging situations. In Science, we started learning about electrical appliances, identifying whether they are powered by batteries or mains electricity. Additionally, we’ve begun Tag Rugby with EPC and Off the Wall Squash, with some children being considered for the Roman Cup next half-term!

Week beginning 16th December 2024

This week in Year 4, we have been finishing off some of our topic lessons. We explored some History of the Colosseum and gladiator fighting and the children wrote a diary entry. In Science, we have explored sound. The children rotated around the classes and completed different investigations related to sound. They tested the impact of distance on sound waves, explored if sound could travel through different materials and observed the physical vibrations from certain movements that create sounds. This week, we had our Agents of Change celebration assembly and lots of children have been awarded their first or even second badge, so congratulations to all of those chidlren! Also, the majority of Year 4 have completed their cross-stitch baubles and will have taken them home! We hope you have a lovely Christmas! 

Week beginning 9th December 2024

In Design & Technology, the children have designed, practised and began creating their own cross-stitch bauble. The children have worked so hard and have been very successful with the cross-stitch. We have continued our paired reading with our partner classes. Holly & Acacia class have partnered with Early Years and the children have behaved beautifully and were brilliiant role models to the younger children. In Computing, the children have worked on creating animated GIFs with a programme called ABC Ya! They have really grasped the concept of stop motion and produced some excellent animations. Finally, on Wednesday we had a fabulous workshop provided by Rock Steady. It was an extremely engaging workshop and the children all wanted to become part of the school band!

Week beginning 2nd December 2024

What a busy week we have had as a school this week! The travelling pantomime were in on Monday for Year 4 and they had a really good time watching 'Scroogical' based on A Christmas Carol. The children enjoyed the dancing and chanting that came with the pantomime. We also had our Christmas Dinner and Jumper day on Wednesday, that was a huge success and the children made cards for each other in the afternoon. Some siblings also got to go and watch Early Years and Year 1 perform their nativities, which was a lovely experience for them. 

Week beginning 25th November 2024

This week was a shorter week than normal, but that didn't stop us from fitting lots in for Year 4! The main highlight of the week was going to Colchester Castle. It was a fabulous day and all of the children engaged really well with the learning and were really well behaved. We explored the museum and its artefacts, we built a Iron-Age Roundhouse and a Roman Villa and we had a tour underneath the castle, where the tour guides taught us about the Romans and the Celts. A great day was had by all adults and children. 

Week beginning 18th November 2024

This week, we explored sound in some of our Science lessons. Year 4 have begun to show some good understanding of how sound is made and how it travels. It was a busy week with beginning to design our Cross Stitch patterns. In PE, we continued with our dance routines and the children began to show off their excellent dance moves. 

Week beginning 11th November 2024

This week, the children had their second session with Mr Watts and the other amazing SCS coaches. They worked in small teams to develop their hockey skills further. We also began our Dance unit in PE. This was introduced by Miss Barnes. She taught them a variety of Hip Hop dance moves like the Bart Simpson or the Biz Markie. The children (and adults) tried really hard to keep up with Miss Barnes! In computing, we had an unplugged lesson where we explored the beginnings of animation by making flip books. Some of the children really enjoyed this and made multiple flipbooks with different characters and events. On Friday, we had Children in Need. Many of the chidlren donated and wore spots or yellow to commemorate the day. We spent the afternoon creating characters to be friends with Pudsey and solving some Pudsey puzzles. 

Week beginning 4th November 2024

Since returning back after the half term, it has been full steam ahead for year 4. They began their learning about the Romans and explored the British timeline and recapped their learning from last year about the Anglos Saxons, Vikings and Through the Ages topics. This week we also had the lovely SCS coaches in to begin our PE unit of Hockey. The children behaved beautifully for the coaches and definitely made the most of the time and were able to apply the skill that they were focusing on. In PSHE, we have started our unit about feelings. The children had a lot of fun showing different emotions and making their own feelings fortune teller. In Maths, we were learning about area and using squares to make and count area of rectilinear shapes. 

Friday 25th October 2024

This week in Damson class, the children have been learning about environmental dangers posed by humans, including deforestation, pollution and urbanisation and the impact this has on the habitat of plants and animals. They created visual mind maps to explain what they had learnt. All year 4 classes have started Christmas very early, by creating Christmas card designs that can be sent off to be printed, which was organised by the PTA. The children were very excited at the mention of Christmas! In English they have been working hard to independently plan and write their own information texts based on a mythical creature. In maths, year 4 have been developing their problem solving skills, including using the inverse to check answers, estimating answers to problems using rounding and solving 1 and 2 step addition and subtraction problems.

Friday 18th October 2024

This week the children in Acacia class have enjoyed learning how to locate places using grid references. Damson class learnt to use a classification key to answer yes and no questions in order to identify the creatures that they found outside in the wild area. Year 4 have also been creatively exploring how to shape and manipulate wire and foil to create their own sculptures of plants and animals, which were all very unique. In maths, they have been learning how to subtract using the concrete, pictorial and abstract method. Initially they used place value counters to represent numbers to subtract, before moving onto representing them in place value columns in order to understand what it means when we exchange a ten, hundred or thousand from one column to another. In English, the children have been planning and writing their own innovated version of The Rainbow Dragon information text, which was about the Sea Unicorn.

Friday 11th October 2024

In English, the children have begun learning an information text all about 'The Rainbow Dragon'. They have become increasingly confident retelling this text using their story map and actions. In maths, they have been practising addition up to a 4 digit number, involving exchanging using the formal column method. To support them in their understanding, they have followed the concrete, pictorial and abstract sequence of learning, using place value counters to help them understand what it means when we exchange. We are currently practising the 2 times table with related division facts, challenging the children to answer 60 written questions in 3 minutes or less. Throughout the year, we will move on to practise all multiplication facts up to 12 times table. In art, the children have enjoyed experimenting with how to shape and manipulate wire to create their own scuplture of a British animal.

Friday 4th October 2024

This week the children have been working hard in English to independently write their own warning tale, using the language and grammar that they have learnt in the last few weeks. In maths, they have been learning about 'dive deeper'. This is a series of activities in maths which the children can use to deepen and extend their learning. After completing a maths question, they can choose to 'story it', 'explain it', 'make a mistake', 'justify it' or 'draw it'. Thus enabling them to explain their learning and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the method or mathematical theory. Damson class enjoyed a bug hunt, linking to their science work on classifying animals. Acacia class have begun their wire sculptures in art, using the wire to sculpt the shape of a British animal. Chestnut class have continued to develop their computing skills when using the program 'Scratch'.

Friday 27th September 2024

As part of our topic for this half-term, 'Our local area', year 4 have enjoyed a walk around Stanway to explore the local area. The children created their own aerial view map, showing local shops, schools, houses, the community hall and scout hut while on the walk. It was a very exciting trip for everyone and the children loved the opportunity to apply what they have learning about maps to a practical task. When back at school, they drew a neater version of their aerial view maps, including a key so they could group together and colour code different items on the maps, such as schools or shops. In maths, they have been learning about rounding up to 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 and have made great progress in this area. In English, they have begun writing up their warning tales, drawing inspiration from the story that they have learnt in the last two weeks. All of the children have been working hard on their writing to include the grammar tools that they have been taught.

Friday 20th September 2024

This week the children have been continuing to learn about the place value of numbers and ordering them using their knowledge of this. In French, they have begun to learn the names of classroom objects. In English, they have been practising using a range of tools in their work, including  using a range of adjectives, show feelings through actions and personifying a setting. In gymnastics, they have have continued to develop their stamina and strength on the equipment. In geography, they have enjoyed exploring OS maps and learnt about the symbols that they contain. In outdoor PE, the children have continued to develop their basketball skills with the EPC coaches. Acacia class enjoyed going on a bug hunt to gather inspiration for the sculptures that they will be making in art lessons.


Friday 13th September 2024

Year 4 have enjoyed learning about a range of subjects this week, including their first lesson of gymnastics. During PE, they explored how to safely use the climbing ropes, wall bars, vaulting box with springboard and bench with agility tables. In computing, they have begun to explore the coding program Scratch to move a character around the screen. In RE they have discussed personal and religious sources of authority. English lessons involved the children learning a new story 'The Canal', learning to retell it off by heart using a story map and actions. In maths, they have learnt to partition numbers using their knowledge of place value. For example, knowing that 3489 = 3000+400+80+9.

Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to the Year 4! This year we have so many exciting events, trips and activities to look forward to. The children have begun year 4 learning about the continent of Oceania, particularly focussing on Australia and New Zealand. They have identified key landmarks, cities and territories on a map of Australia, created Aboriginal inspired dot paintings and used printing with a tile and paint to create a painting of an australian animal. In Damson class, we also enjoyed creating masks and performing a Haka dance. 

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