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Friday 31st January

The children have had an amazing week, putting in lots of effort and showing great dedication. This week, they've been either finishing their 3D designs for their Victorian lanterns or working on prototypes to get ready for the "big build" next week. With support from SCS, they've been improving their dodgeball skills, focusing on aiming and understanding the rules. In English, we've kicked off a new unit on suspense stories. The kids have been working hard to learn the text by drawing out a text map and practicing the associated actions. Across all classes, the students have been exploring magnetism in science and were able to clearly illustrate and label what happens when the poles are brought close to each other.

Friday 24th January

The children have had another action-packed week! In maths, we've wrapped up our multiplication and division topic, with everyone demonstrating impressive resilience and progress. Today marks the conclusion of our non-fiction writing unit in English, where the children have worked exceptionally hard on creating persuasive adverts. They have focused on incorporating all the essential features needed for a strong persuasive piece. In PE, we are continuing to refine our attacking and defending skills through invasion games. The children are making great strides, particularly with their tactical thinking and off-the-ball movement to create space for teammates to pass. In Science, we’ve been exploring air and water resistance by conducting an experiment with parachutes of different surface areas to determine which one falls the slowest. The children did a fantastic job of making predictions and explaining their reasoning clearly.

Friday 17th January

It's been a busy week for the children, filled with lots of learning. In Maths, they have successfully mastered multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Next week, we'll be moving on to short division. In Computing and Design Technology, the children have been researching Victorian light sources and using 3D design software to explore the design process, preparing for their own designs in the coming weeks. Staying on topic, in History, the children have been researching and creating fact files on key figures from the Victorian era, such as Emmeline Pankhurst, Robert Peel, and Florence Nightingale.

Friday 10th January 2025

Welcome Back to a Busy Start to the Spring Term! 

We’ve had a fantastic start to the Spring term as the children returned full of excitement, eager to share all the wonderful activities they enjoyed over the Christmas break. This week, we dove straight into our learning with some fascinating topics! In DT, we began researching Victorian light sources in preparation for our upcoming project, sparking curiosity and creativity among the children. In Maths, we tackled multiplication using the area model method, and the children demonstrated impressive focus and progress with this concept. PE was full of energy as we explored dodgeball, working on understanding the rules and honing our skills through engaging practice sessions. In Science, we delved into the world of gravity, investigating its effects by measuring various objects—a hands-on experience that had everyone intrigued.

Well done, Year 5, for your enthusiasm and hard work! Keep it up!

Friday 13th December 2024

This week, the children demonstrated outstanding effort and teamwork!

Science Day was a highlight, as they engaged in an exciting investigation to design and create a cool box insulator. This activity encouraged them to explore a variety of materials and variables to determine which combinations worked best as insulators. Through hands-on experimentation and critical thinking, the children applied scientific methods by hypothesising, testing, and analysing results. Their collaborative spirit shone as they worked in teams, sharing ideas, solving challenges, and refining their designs together.

In PE, the children had fun while honing their skills in squash and basketball. Their enthusiasm and determination were evident as they practiced techniques, improving both their individual performance and team coordination.

Well done to all for a fantastic week of learning and growth!

Friday 6th December 2024

This week, Year 5 have been hard at work during assessment week, showing great focus and determination. We continued to develop our sports skills with coaching sessions in squash and basketball, where the children practiced teamwork and technique. On Christmas Jumper Day, the class looked fantastic in their festive attire and thoroughly enjoyed sharing a delicious Christmas meal together. In music, the children stepped into the shoes of Victorian street sellers, performing lively acts by singing and "selling" their products with enthusiasm and creativity. Well done, Year 5!

Friday 29th November 2024

This week has been a whirlwind of creativity and meaningful discussions in Year 5. In Art, children explored the intricate designs of William Morris, examining how his work reflected the Victorian love for nature and symmetry. They designed their own interpretations of wallpaper, focusing on creating beautiful repeating patterns, using motifs inspired by flowers, leaves, and natural shapes. The results were stunning and showcased their artistic flair.

In PSHE, we had a powerful discussion about the meaning of 'racism' and what it means to be anti-racist. Children explored how kindness, respect, and inclusion play vital roles in combating prejudice. They then designed and created their own anti-racist mascot puppets, using a variety of materials and tools, including hot glue guns. The process was hands-on and engaging, with children proudly showcasing their unique creations.

In History, we delved into Victorian household objects, such as flat irons, chamber pots, washboards, and candlesticks. Children were fascinated as they compared Victorian homes to modern ones, sparking insightful conversations about how technology has transformed daily life.

As part of our Agents of Change initiative, we celebrated the importance of expressing gratitude. Children wrote heartfelt, positive comments to one another and shared them aloud, creating a warm and uplifting atmosphere. It was a wonderful way to end the week!

Friday 22nd November 2024

This week, we continued to master our squash skills, focusing on techniques such as controlling the ball with precision, improving hand-eye coordination, and practicing serves and volleys. The children showed great determination and progress.

We also carried on with the Shoe Box Appeal initiative, learning about how these small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Each box will bring joy to children in need around the world, containing essentials such as toiletries, school supplies, and small gifts.

Finally, we celebrated some fantastic homework projects on Earth and Space. The children showcased their knowledge through creative models and informative research. Well done, Year 5—you've had another amazing week!

Friday 15th November 2024

This week has been full of excitement and learning! In Science, we delved into why planets are spherical in shape, exploring the forces at play and using fruits and vegetables to compare the relative sizes of the planets in our solar system. We discussed fascinating facts about the planets, including how gravity shapes them and why some are rocky while others are gas giants.

Children also showed their generosity and kindness by bringing in their thoughtfully filled shoeboxes to support those less fortunate—what a wonderful effort for such a meaningful cause.

In Art, we studied the works of William Morris, learning how his designs reflected Victorian values and aesthetics. The children conducted their own research and began planning their own intricate patterns inspired by his style.

We ended the week on a high note by celebrating Children In Need. The children dressed up in fantastic outfits to help raise money for this great cause. Well done to everyone for an amazing week!

Friday 8th November 2024

Welcome back, Year 5!

What a fantastic week to start the term. The class has settled back in wonderfully, diving straight into learning with enthusiasm. We kicked off the week with an exciting 'Road Safety' presentation from the team, where the children received 'hi-vis' bags and learned essential road safety tips. They even practiced spotting hazards and created informative posters to reinforce their knowledge.

We also went on our first school trip, stepping back in time to explore Victorian life! The children looked fantastic in their costumes and were fully immersed in learning about life in the Victorian era. They discovered what life was like for rich and poor children, explored traditional household chores like washing and ironing clothes, and even made their own butter. All the children were engaged, curious, and keen to learn.

Well done, Year 5!

Friday 25th October 2024

What an incredible week to finish off the half term! A big well done to the children who confidently led our stretch activity in the final gymnastics lesson, showcasing all the skills they've learned to the entire class. We wrapped up with a tag rugby tournament, where everyone gave their best effort!

The children also proudly showcased their homework by carrying out experiments—it was excellent to see their enthusiasm and creativity! On our last day, they came in with fantastic crazy hairstyles, which looked amazing. They also made pumpkin lanterns to take home and decorate. To celebrate all their hard work, they enjoyed some Halloween treats as a well-deserved reward.

Have a wonderful half term, everyone!

Friday 18th October 2024

This week, we focused on our non-fiction unit about The Ferocious Hydra and began taking notes on the Minotaur. The children engaged in drama activities, fully immersing themselves in the role of the mighty Minotaur, which they thoroughly enjoyed. They watched videos and gathered key facts as part of their research.

In gymnastics, we continued refining our skills, and the students had a great time progressing through the different exercises. In Geography, we conducted a research project centered around the question, "Does global warming impact natural disasters?" The children produced fantastic posters and conducted excellent research on the topic. Well done to all!

Friday 11th October 2024

This week, we continued our Tag Rugby sessions, focusing on key skills such as agility, possession, interception, dodging, and passing. The children worked hard on improving their teamwork and understanding of the game. In gymnastics, we practiced various skills including balance, coordination, and controlled landings, with a focus on perfecting our routines using the vault and mats. In Computing, the children applied their coding knowledge to move a sprite through a maze. They used sequencing, loops, and debugging to refine their code, showing great persistence in problem-solving. To top off the week, Birch class won the attendance award and were treated to a delicious reward! Well done, everyone!

Friday 4th October 2024

This week has been full of fantastic learning! In Maths, we have moved on to Addition and Subtraction, with children working hard to solve calculations using concrete, pictorial, and abstract approaches. In English, the children entered the independent writing phase, crafting their own warning tales. Our Gymnastics sessions continued, and we were inspired by Olympic athletes using the Vault and bars. In Art, we explored the work of Hokusai and began recreating his famous piece, "The Great Wave," which we'll be painting in our next session. Well done to all the children for their hard work!

Friday 4th October 2024

This week has been full of fantastic learning! In Maths, we have moved on to Addition and Subtraction, with children working hard to solve calculations using concrete, pictorial, and abstract approaches. In English, the children entered the independent writing phase, crafting their own warning tales. Our Gymnastics sessions continued, and we were inspired by Olympic athletes using the Vault and bars. In Art, we explored the work of Hokusai and began recreating his famous piece, "The Great Wave," which we'll be painting in our next session. Well done to all the children for their hard work!

Friday 27th September 2024

We've had an incredible week in Year 5, packed with exciting learning experiences! In PE, the children made great progress in both gymnastics and tag rugby, working on accurate passing and balance. Our science lessons were a hit, especially with a hands-on experiment on separating materials—everyone was fully engaged and asked insightful questions to deepen their understanding. A highlight of the week was erupting a homemade volcano, bringing the fantastic homework projects to life. In RE, we continued our exploration of philosophers and Christianity. Well done to all the children for their hard work and enthusiasm! Keep it up!

Friday 20th September 2024

This week, we continued our work on place value in Maths and delved into understanding a warning tale in English. In Music, we learned about Antonio Vivaldi and his famous composition, "The Four Seasons." The children were so engaged with the music that we even had our very own class conductor orchestrating it! In Geography, we explored natural disasters, focusing on earthquakes and discussing survival strategies. It’s been a fantastic week of learning, and the children have truly enjoyed themselves!

Welcome to Year 5!

Friday 13th September 2024

This week, the children honed their gymnastics skills, focusing on practicing their balance while safely using equipment. They confidently used the wall bars, vault, and ropes, showing great care and enthusiasm. In Science, we began our unit on Materials and their Properties, where every student was actively engaged and curious. During our RE lessons, we explored the differences between philosophers and philosophy, sparking thoughtful discussions. We wrapped up the week with a series of teamwork games designed to develop their communication skills. Well done, everyone!

Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to Year 5! We hope you all had a wonderful summer and enjoyed the break. This week, the children have settled into their new classes beautifully and immersed themselves in learning about Africa as part of our 'Continents Week'. They showcased their creativity by using sewing and batik techniques to create African flags, learned traditional African dances, crafted tribal necklaces, and honed their computer skills to produce fact files. The children also practiced their geography skills, using atlases to label all the African countries, and painted stunning watercolour sunsets. Well done to all the children for their fantastic efforts!

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