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WB 29.4.24

This week Year 2 have enjoyed continuing practising their racket skills during outdoor PE, as well as going on a 'Bug Hunt' to explore the microhabitats that exist within the school grounds, which linked closely to our focus text for 'Whole Class Reading'. It was extremely beneficial for the children to gain first-hand experience, as well as reading facts in a text - the children had a great time!

WB 22.4.24

Year 2 had great fun running a 'mini-marathon' today at school, earning them an 'Agents of Change' stamp. It was lovely to watch them complete the course with enthusiasm. We have had another productive week, continuing our 'Pirate Pam' Talk for Writing unit, which the children are enjoying, they have learnt all about onomatopoeia! We have also been looking at block diagrams in Maths too, where the children have been interpretting the data and answering related questions.

WB 15.4.24

On Monday, Year 2 visited Hyde Hall. After a soggy start, we had an amazing day exploring the grounds, creating art using foliage that we had collected and we enhanced our understanding of plants, linking to our Science topic. The staff at Hyde Hall praised the behaviour of our Year 2 children, which makes us incredibly proud. Well done Year 2, a great start to the summer term! 

WB 25.3.24

Although it has been a short week, Year 2 have been extremely busy! The children enjoyed their Science Day this week, where they investigated the effects of exercise on their heart rate, it was a very active and physical experiment! The year group also continued exploring dinosaurs in reading, looking at an informative text and even getting creative with Playdoh, modelling a variety of different ones. The children completed their 'Henri Rousseau' based art work too, creating different shades and tints to bring their sketches alive - we had some fantastic creations! Overall a great term Year 2! Enjoy your Easter break and well deserved rest!

WB 18.03.24

This week the children have continued their Art unit based on Henri Rousseau, producing an extremely high standard of work and experimenting with tints and shades. During Science, they have been exploring the different food groups and types of food that belong in them, also considering what makes a balanced diet. During 'Whole Class Reading' we have been looking at different dinosaurs and how much we know about them, prior to next week, when we will study a fact file on a variety of types.

WB 11.03.2024

This week Year 2 have been enjoying a variety of practical activities. In Maths, we have been exploring measuring, discussing the difference between height and length,  looking at the different tools we use to measure and which metrics we use. The children have compared lengths of objects and heights of one another, identifying who is the tallest in their group. In Science, the children created a paper plate, identifying the basic needs of animals, in order to survive. We have also continued our Art unit on Henri Rousseau, looking at tones and tints and how to create different colours. The children also enjoyed the 'Young Carers' day, wearing some fantastic funky socks! 

WB 04.03.2024

World Book Day was a great success and we were so proud with the effort the children had put into their costumes, they all looked fantastic! Year 2 loved the book swap experience too, it was lovely to see them explore different genres and enjoy sharing their new books with one another. We have also been enjoying practical sessions in Maths, exploring volume and capacity, where the children have been reading and interpreting scales on jugs, as well as measuring out water to show different amounts.

WB 26.02.2024

It has been lovely to welcome the children back this week. We have been busy starting our new 'Talk for Writing' unit in English, the children have been really excited about 'Zig the Alien' visiting and have worked hard to draw and learn the story map created from his diary entry. The children have also enjoyed PE; working with the SCS coaches during indoor sessions and developing their dribbling skills in basketball for their outside lesson. In our new Computing topic, we are exploring the 'World Wide Web' and the development of devices over time. After discussing the changes that have occurred to technology, the children designed a prototype using 'junk modelling' to create a futuristic invention - WOW! The children were extremely creative and their ideas were very impressive!

WB 12.02.2024

We cannot believe we have reached the halfway mark of Year 2 already! It has been a funfilled, busy and enjoyable year so far and continues to be so! This week, the children have been developing their creative abilities, finishing their sewing in DT and their rangoli patterns in Art, we are amazed at their artistic skills! We have also completed our netball unit in PE, applying the tactics learnt to play a match. We are looking forward to seeing what the year group produce in their work after the half term break! 

WB 05.02.2024

This week Year 2 have been exploring explanation texts based on pets. The children have really enjoyed this unit so far, especially the lesson involving building a hutch for a rabbit! The children have also been continuing work on the use of a variety of conjunctions, including these in their written sentences. During DT, we have been dyeing material to create a background for our Indian animals, that the children have sewn - there has been some A-MAZ-ING creations! In Art, the children have created their sponge templates to print with and create a beautiful rangoli pattern - watch this space for some beautiful artwork next week!

WB 29.01.2024

This week, Year 2 enjoyed participating in an 'Indian Drumming' workshop, where they gained first-hand experience of playing the drums and keeping a beat as a group. The children enjoyed learning the history behind the music, as well as listening carefully to the workshop leader and asking insightful questions. 

WB: 22.01.2024

Year 2 have been completing a variety of practical activities over the last week. Durindg Art, the children have been enjoying practising printing on a variety of different materials, to determine which create the sharpest, most distinct print for when they do their final rangoli design. They have then developed prototype ideas using dotted paper and identified that the use of regular shapes helps create symmetrical and tesselated patterns. Also in DT this week, the children have been dying and cutting material, to develop their wall hanging, that they have designed.

WB 15.01.2024

Well it may have been freezing conditions outside this week, but it hasn't stopped Year 2 working hard! The children are absolutely loving our 'Talk for Writing' topic, this week has seen a focus on identifying and using: verbs, adverbs, adjectives and relative clauses. The children have surpassed all expectations, producing fantastic sentences. They have also continued with acting out the story map on 'Smok the Dragon', growing in confidence and expression in their presentation skills. This week we have also continued looking at money in Maths, calculating the change we would receive when paying with a certain amount of money for an item.

WB 08.01.2024

Our first full week back after the Christmas holiday has been a great success. Children have enjoyed starting their new 'Talk for Writing' unit in English and we have been creating fantastic story maps. We have also continued to introduce our new topic, which is based on 'India', during DT children have been exploring different materials and patterns reflecting the culture. We have continued working with money in Maths and the children are showing a great understanding!

WB 01.01.2024

Happy New Year to you all! We hope you had a relaxing Christmas break and are ready for a busy, funfilled Spring term! Year 2 have already been working hard over the last two days, the children have been introduced to their new topic 'A Journey Around India'. In Art we have started to explore Rangoli patterns, discussing the meaning behind them and how they are made. The children have loved recreating some patterns, using a variety of shapes. We have also begun our money unit in Maths, exploring the different coins and notes we use on a day to day basis. Computing has also been fun, this half term we are looking at animation. The children made their own flip notebooks and even experimented making a thaumatrope!

WB 11.12.2023

Year 2 have had a fantastic first term! The children should be extremely proud of themselves, not only have they settled into their new year, they have worked hard and already had some great experiences. This week has been another busy and fun time. The children have been enjoying DT days, constructing their Victorian toys and have performed their carol concert , which was AMAZING and we are extremely proud of them all! Also, we had a final Forest School session, where everyone enjoyed festive crafts and hot chocolate.

WB 04.12.2023

The festivities have continued this week in Year 2. The children thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas dinner and jumper day on Wednesday! We have been so impressed and proud of the children learning their song lyrics and narrative for the carol concert next week too. Our visit to Loganberry Lodge Care Home, was a great success, the children behaved impeccably and sang beautifully to the residents, who all had a smile on their faces when we left. A great time was had by all and the children have all been awarded an 'Agents of Change' stamp for volunteering their time to 'An Organisation Who do Great!', making a difference to somebody's day and making someone feel special.

WB 27.11.2023

This week Year 2 have been enjoying exploring axles and mechanisms in Design and Technology, we have also begun our shape unit in Maths, where the children are being introduced to a range of vocabulary such as: vertices, sides and symmetry. During Computing, children have been producing pictrograms. We are also continuing to enjoy our Forest School lessons; this week the children enjoyed using clay and natural resources to create different animals. Year 2 have been rehearsing for the carol concert and enjoyed watching a pantomime today, so we have begun the build up of festivities!

WB 20.11.2023

This week, Year 2 have enjoyed a Science day, which involved exploring different materials and their absorbency. The children thoroughly enjoyed the practical side of this investigation, producing some great predictions and then proving whether they were correct through the results from their experiments. We have also had a fantastic time during our Forest School sessions, where the children toasted marshmallows on an open fire (they all conducted themselves very sensibly) and made smores! They also built some great dens, explored the wildlife and climbed trees!

WB 13.11.2023

Another busy and fun-filled week in Year 2! The children have fully engaged in their second session of Forest School, using conkers for crafts, building dens, climbing swings and concocting a variety of potions and meals in the mud kitchen! We have also begun our first non-fiction Talk for Writing unit, the children have been extremely excited about 'The Vampire Dragon' and are fully engaged in the magic of it, mapping out the story and using actions to learn it. In Maths, children have shown a great understanding when having to exchange numbers, for subtraction. During DT this week, children have been evaluating toys from the Victorian era and beginning the thought process of how to design a toy for a Victorian child, we are looking forward to seeing their ideas! 

WB 06.11.23

Year 2 had their first week of 'Forest School', in-between the intermittent downpours. However, the rain did not dampen (excuse the pun!) the children's spirits and fun was had by all! Both classes were excited to enjoy some fresh air, explore the nature areas and learn the safety rules of Forest School, ready to fully engage in a variety of fun-filled activities over the coming weeks! The teachers are looking forward to it as much as the children!

WB 30.10.23

Welcome back from the half-term break! Year 2 have enjoyed this week and have worked hard in lessons. They have loved being introduced to our new History topic on 'Queen Victoria', as well as exploring diaries within English, where they have explored a variety of emotions and portrayed these through drama. The children have also been experimenting with different vocabulary in  Whole Class Reading and in Maths we have been practising adding 10s to a two digit number, as well as using concrete methods to add together two 2-digit numbers. 

WB 16.10.2023

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their 'Great Fire of London' day this week. The children looked fantastic in costume and it helped them to gain a first- hand experience of what life was like in 1666. They learnt all about the fire, how it transformed London and they had the opportunity to visit shops from that period, also learning new skills such as sewing, weaving, bread and candle making. During the afternoon, the children acted as detectives and used artefacts to solve a range of historical challenges. 

WB 09.10.2023

In the penultimate week of the first half term, Year 2 have been continuing with their topic on the 'Great Fire of London'. We have built Tudor houses and re-enacted the fire, showing the children how quickly it would of spread! The children loved watching this. In Music, we have sung songs linked to the topic and used actions and percussion to play along. Science has involved classifying different materials this week, looking at the differences and similarities. Also, we started our addition and subtraction unit in Maths, which the children are thoroughly enjoying and applying different strategies to solve equations. The children have also loved the introduction of 'Agents of Change' this week, with some already completing activities. Friday's 'Showing Gratitiude' day, brought a smile to the faces of everyone. 

WB 02.10.2023

Time is flying and another week is complete in Year 2! In Science, the children have been investigating different materials and testing whether they are waterproof or not, also in Art we have been looking at a variety of resources and which will be effective to use when creating a collage. In PSHE, we have explored the meaning of 'responsibility' within school and home. We have then implemented our sense of responsibility to work as a team to complete some challenges, such as 'Pass the Hoop'. This week we also completed our 'Place Value' unit in Maths, children have enjoyed practising counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and even 3s, as well as comparing numbers!


WB 25.9.2023

This week Year 2 have been sorting materials according to their properties in Science, enjoying more rugby sessions in PE and practising flexibly partitioning in Maths. We have also been enjoying continuing our Talk for Writing unit on 'Zig the Alien' and we are looking forward to completing the innovation stage next week!


WB 18.9.2023

It has been another busy week in Year 2! The children have enjoyed their lessons, especially PE this, which involved practising their throwing and aiming skills with a carousel of different activities to support their development. In outside PE, they have been enjoying extending these skills through rugby focussed tasks. During English, the children have loved role playing the story of 'Zig the Alien'.

WB 11th September 2023

Another successful week completed in year 2. The children have been amazing throughout the first week of ‘normal’ lessons and are well into the swing of things.

This week, we began our place value topic in maths and have been exploring 2-digit numbers by using a range of equipment. We are beginning to show an understanding of the value of each digit in a number – excellent!

In whole class reading, we have been unpicking the 5W’s – Who? What? Where? When? Why? The children have a good understanding of how to answer each of these types of questions and we will continue to practise as the year goes on.

We have also begun our ‘Great Fire of London’ topic in history. This week, we explored the plague and the children found the facts fascinating!


Continents Week - WB 4th September 2023

What a great first week the children have had in Year 2! They have settled in and are enthusiastic about the learning we have undertaken on North America. Some of the activities have included making pasta necklaces, building stable bridges, identifying famous landmarks in New York city and learning about the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. 

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